Supply Chain Outlook - Virtual Summit - Game Changing Strategies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Outlook Virtual Summit

For the Supply Chain Outlook Virtual Summit, the editors of Logistics Management and Supply Chain Management Review have programmed sessions that put some of today’s game-changing strategies and automated solutions into perspective and offer practical tips for evaluating, implementing, and leveraging these tools in an effort to streamline operations and retain the workforce necessary to take logistics and supply chain operations into the future.

Sessions focus on the annual Logistics and Transportation Trends research findings, software solutions, an in depth look at the annual Warehouse / DC operations survey, 3PLs, and robotics.

Logistics Management’s and Supply Chain Management Rreview’s Supply Chain Outlook Virtual Summit offers a unique opportunity to showcase your market leadership, generate qualified leads and brand your company to the premier logistics and supply audiences. Each year our Virtual Summit attracts hundreds of highly qualified supply chain professionals with audited buying influences.


  • Company Showcase — Session landing page is designed to engage our audience with your company’s session topic and supporting white papers.
  • Leads — Registrants and white paper downloads from your Session Landing Page!
  • Brand Exposure —
    • Full page ad in both the Logistics Management and Supply Chain Management Review January Virtual Summit Wrap-Up Issue.
    • Dedicated Virtual Summit Session eBlasts with your branding.
    • Inclusion on all overall event promotion as a sponsor.


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